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What is FERC Order 881?

Written on január 22, 2024
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued Order 881 on December 16, 2021, about using of ambient-adjusted line rating (AAR), and it was reviewed on May 19, 2022. FERC 881-A requires the transmission providers to use ambient-adjusted thermal ratings on their power lines to increase transmission capacity by achieving a more accurate near-term line rating. This order must be fulfilled by 2025. Moreover, FERC 881-A also requires the maintenance of an accessible and protected database about the transmission line ratings and methodologies by the utilities. The order aims to enhance the accuracy and transparency of transmission line ratings, considering favorable ambient conditions.

How can the GridGuard system help to fulfill the FERC 881-A order?

Using the GridGuard sensor and system can be instrumental in helping utilities comply with the FERC Order 881-A in the United States. FERC Order 881-A requires transmission providers to implement and use Ambient-Adjusted Ratings (AARs) on all transmission lines. This order addresses seasonal ratings, including operations, transmission service, and transmission protective relay settings.

To understand how the GridGuard system can help, let’s explore the core features typically found in line monitoring systems and the differences between AAR and DLR.

Core Features of Line Monitoring Systems:

  1. Real-Time Monitoring: Continuously monitors the condition of transmission lines, including phase conductor temperature, sag, and other critical parameters.
  2. Environmental Data Integration: Collects and analyzes environmental data like ambient temperature, wind speed, and solar radiation, which are crucial for calculating line ratings.
  3. Safety Enhancements: Provides alerts for potential safety hazards, helping to prevent accidents and improve maintenance crew safety.
  4. System Reliability: Improves the overall reliability of the power grid by enabling more accurate and dynamic control of line capacities.

Application for AAR and DLR:

  • AAR (Ambient-Adjusted Ratings): Adjusts line ratings based on the prevailing ambient conditions, like temperature and solar radiation. Systems like GridGuard can provide the necessary environmental data to calculate these ratings.
  • DLR (Dynamic Line Ratings): Takes a more comprehensive approach by continuously adjusting the line ratings in real-time based on actual operating conditions. This requires more sophisticated monitoring and data analysis capabilities. The GridGuard system is also capable of implementing DLR.

Limitations of Applying Only AAR Compared to DLR:

  1. Less Dynamic: AAR is less dynamic than DLR as it primarily focuses on ambient conditions and doesn’t account for real-time line conditions.
  2. Potential Underutilization: AAR might not fully utilize the line’s ampacity as it may not account for all factors influencing line performance.
  3. Reactivity: AAR may not react as quickly to changing conditions as DLR, which can adapt to varying operational and environmental factors in real-time.

Advantages of DLR Over AAR:

  1. Optimized Line Usage: DLR allows for more precise control over line ampacities, potentially leading to better utilization of the existing infrastructure.
  2. Enhanced Adaptability: More responsive to real-time changes, more accurately reflecting the line’s safe operating capacity.
  3. Potential for Increased Renewable Integration: By dynamically adjusting to varying conditions, DLR can better accommodate the intermittency of renewable energy sources.
  4. Extra features: Data collected for DLR can be used for other models, such as Health Index and icing prevention, etc.

In summary, the GridGuard system can be an effective tool for implementing both AAR and DLR systems on the power lines. DLR offers a more dynamic and optimized approach to managing transmission line ampacities. 

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