Products and services

Technical innovations and practical experience inspire our products and services.

You can find our hardware and software systems in 4 packages below to decide which GridGuard product best fits your ideas.

The complex GridGuard system is made up of 4 subsystems

The hardware and software subsystems can function together or independently.

GridGuard – Sensor

When creating the Grid Guard sensor, the main goal was to make the device suitable for cost-effective, distributed power line monitoring.

The GridGuard sensor is installed on the phase conductor and accurately measures its temperature. Unlike other manufacturers, GridGuard offers a sensor and a line monitoring strategy adapted to the user.

The GridGuard team also provides information on the number of sensors and their installation location. Depending on the users ‘ strategy, the monitoring strategy can be all dead-end sections or even the most critical spans. GridGuard uses its innovative algorithm for critical span analysis.

The main profile of the ultralight physical sensor is phase conductor temperature measurement, which takes place outside the sensor housing. The measurement uncertainty is below 0.35 degree Celsius; the sampling time can be customized. Accurate knowledge of the thermal state distributed on the whole line opens new possibilities for DLR and Health Index calculations.

GridGuard also allows its partners to rent a physical sensor from it. With this, the user can always use the latest device and costs can be further reduced in the case of a large-scale infrastructure.

GridGuard’s innovation is the virtual sensor based on physical sensor and weather station measurements. After a one-year training period, the AI-based subsystem can give results with the same accuracy as the physical sensor so that the physical sensors can be freely relocated to sections or transmission lines.

GridGuard – Weather station

The concept of GridGuard is that the weather parameters must be measured directly in the environment of the transmission line.

This is the only way we can accurately know the environment.

The GridGuard team also provides information on the number of sensors and their installation location. Depending on the users ‘ strategy, the monitoring strategy can be all dead-end sections or even the most critical spans. GridGuard uses its innovative algorithm for critical span analysis.

GridGuard’s weather station consists of several subsystems to monitor the environmental parameters affecting thermal parameters with a customized resolution: ambient temperature, solar radiation, wind speed, and wind direction. They provide the necessary inputs for some parts of the DLR subsystem.

The evaluation of the materials collected by the GridGuard weather station can be a valuable addition to mapping the effects of climate change and exploring future environmental requisition.

GridGuard – Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) and power line operation:

GridGuard is a dedicated supporter of the flexible operation of overhead line systems, removing bottlenecks and RES integration.

One of the bases for this is the application of Dynamic Line Rating technology. In addition to the ampacity increase, it is essential that the safety and security requirements are not violated and that we can also avoid outages caused by extreme weather.

GridGuard offers its users algorithms that can increase the transfer capacity of power lines by up to 20-30% in real-time, almost 95% of the time. This can significantly help in congestion management and RES integration. In connection with real-time calculations, the user can choose whether he wants to calculate ratings with traditional (CIGRE, IEEE) or innovative models (GridGuard algorithm).

In addition to real-time calculations, a line rating forecast is also available. Predicted line rating is inevitable for scheduling day ahead processes and electricity market points.

GridGuard primarily supports safe operation and compliance with legislation. The unique sag-clearance model can determine the sag values in real-time with an accuracy of 20-30 cm and notify the operators in case of inadequate clearance.

GridGuard – Health Index

Aging networks affect power systems and their elements in all parts of the world.

Thanks to the sensor data, conducting more accurate conductor health monitoring than before is possible, which can significantly support the asset management of an industrial partner. In addition to continuous maintenance, another goal is to reduce the risks of extreme weather conditions – the GridGuard Health Index subsystem covers these.

GridGuard’s weather station consists of several subsystems to monitor the environmental parameters affecting thermal parameters with a customized resolution: ambient temperature, solar radiation, wind speed, and wind direction. They provide the necessary inputs for some parts of the DLR subsystem.

GridGuard has developed a unique subsystem to prevent grid icing. Using the weather and load forecast, the subsystem can predict the type and thickness of the forming ice layer and the phase current necessary to prevent tower collapse and conductor breakage.

Testimonial section

Here you can find what is our partners’ feedback about our system


Besides passing all tests with excellent results, the GridGuard sensor is innovative and easy to install.


The algorithms of the DLR subsystem were successfully demonstrated in several projects under field conditions. The developed transmission line selection method and critical span analysis fill a gap in the sensor market.

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