Who we are?

The core of the GridGuard team is four Hungarian power line experts with university background and industrial experience who have been working together since 2016 for reliable sensor monitoring of electricity systems.

We have a strong relationship with the High Voltage Laboratory of BME (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) to test and improve our products and international industrial partners to make validations under field conditions.

In recent years, team members have participated in H2020 EU-funded international collaborations such as the:

FARCROSS – FAcilitating Regional CROSS-border Electricity Transmission through Innovation

WP5 aimed to develop and integrate DLR techniques and Health Monitoring systems that can analyze and predict residual service life and safe operation of the transmission lines with the associated risk.

TWINEU – Coming soon.

Key to Advancing European DLR Systems

These projects aimed to establish different pilot DLR systems in European countries, such as Spain, Austria, Slovenia, Greece, Hungary, etc.). Regarding the joint projects, the team has considerable experience on both TSO (APG, HOPS, IPTO, MAVIR and Red Electrica) and DSO (E.ON, ELJ and MVM) levels.

During the joint work, GridGuard experts experience a lot and identified several subject areas that were insufficiently addressed or ignored by other manufacturers and specialists.

The common algorithm and hardware developments results were published in numerous international conferences and journal papers, and 2 Ph.D. theses summarize the most significant innovations – these provide the framework of the GridGuard system.

The GridGuard team combines well the transition between different power line topics, as its members are active in many CIGRE and IEEE committees, the focus of which are:

  • Line rating
  • Line monitoring
  • Live working
  • Asset health systems
  • EMC
  • Lightning protection
  • Safety & security

Our vision and mission

GridGuard promotes more resilient and reliable grid utilization with hardware, software, and knowledge in the evolving electricity system

Our vision is to create electricity grids in which safety, reliability, and flexibility are not mutually exclusive factors.

Choose GridGuard for a safer, smarter future in line management.

Core values and principles



Constantly pushing the boundaries of technology, applying novel models and approaches to improve grid efficiency and adaptability.


Ensuring the grid operates without fail, offering stability and confidence to providers and consumers alike.


Maximizing existing infrastructure to reduce waste and environmental impact. GRIDGUARD’s approach to uprating overhead lines reflects a commitment to a greener future.


Prioritizing the safety of operations, from implementing our systems to the everyday grid management.


Tailoring solutions to individual needs, GRIDGUARD focuses on delivering products that resonate with clients' specific demands and goals.


Conducting business with transparency and ethical considerations at the forefront, ensuring trust and long-term relationships.


Building partnerships with utility companies, cities, and industries to align goals and drive collective success.



The dynamic nature of our technology means that we are prepared to change and evolve with the rapidly shifting energy landscape.

Quality Assurance

Every component of the GRIDGUARD system is meticulously designed and tested to meet the highest standards.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Utilizing real-time monitoring and intelligent algorithms to make informed, precise adjustments to the grid.

Community Engagement

Recognizing energy's role in every community, GRIDGUARD strives to involve and educate stakeholders in its initiatives.

Global Responsibility

Acknowledging the global impact of energy management and working towards solutions that resonate worldwide, contributing to a cleaner, more efficient world.

GRIDGUARD promises to revolutionize grid management, foster trust, and inspire confidence among its stakeholders by adhering to these values and principles. It positions the brand as a leader, protector, and innovator in Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) systems.

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