References and Partnerships

These partnerships fuel innovation and guide our solutions.

Collaborating with industry leaders, regulatory bodies, and academic institutions, we have established a network of trusted partnerships.

FP7 BEST PATHS - Beyond state-of-the-art technologies for power AC corridors and multi-terminal HVDC systems

DEMO 4 – Innovative Repowering of AC Corridors

Our experts were involved in the work on two power line monitoring topics – they performed electrical tests of the DLR sensor at the BME High Voltage Laboratory. We fine-tuned the CIGRE line rating model with the cooling effect of precipitation.

FLEXITRANSTORE - An Integrated Platform for Increased FLEXIbility in smart TRANSmission grids with STORage Entities and large penetration of Renewable Energy Sources

Work Package 7 (WP7) – Dynamic Line Rating for De-Icing

The task of our experts was to implement an icing forecasting system that can indicate the formation of icing in time and estimate the type and thickness of the resulting ice and the additional load caused by it. The validated model can also predict the line load required for preventive intervention.

FARCROSS - FAcilitating Regional CROSS-border Electricity Transmission through Innovation

Work Package 5 (WP5) – DLR-H Demo

Our role in the project was coordinating the installation of DLR sensors from critical span analysis to data evaluation. We tested our updated algorithms and the AI-based virtual sensor at several locations during this period. We also gained valuable experience in connection with Health Monitoring subsystems.

MAVIR DLR Pilot - Applicability of DLR on MAVIR LTD's network

We participated as experts in the Hungarian transmission system’s pilot DLR project. In the project, in addition to being able to test our models, we gained a lot of practical experience with the clearance subsystem, big data handling, and SCADA integration. Our team prepared the project’s impact assessment study, and we also explored the possibilities of possible further development of the system.

EON DLR Pilot - Test of a complex transmission line management system on the EON-ÉMÁSZ network

We participated as experts in the Hungarian EON Pilot DLR project. Our task was to develop the sensor installation strategy and coordinate the DLR system. The project’s great benefit was that we could test our algorithms in the DSO operating environment and validate them with the results.

MVM DLR Pilot - Applicability of DLR on the ÉMÁSZ network

In the project, we carried out decision-making studies from the technical side and provided algorithms for the sensor system. We learned about the main challenges of Central European DSOs and the connection points with DLR systems.


Gridguard is open to European and non-European companies working together for more flexible and reliable networks. If our references and products have piqued your interest, contact us and let's explore the possibilities of cooperation together.

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