Why GridGuard?

We gladly recommend our products and services since several years of experience and a learning process are behind our hardware and software offer.

What we have learned about DLR systems during international and domestic projects:


It is not enough to choose a transmission line; you must choose the right one.

We are the only company in the market offering a unique power line selection algorithm to maximize the technical and economic benefits.


It is not enough to select the location of the sensors; the suitable sensor locations must be chosen.

We are the market company that offers the most accurate critical span analysis on your lines. We provide different line monitoring strategies; choose the one that aligns with your goals and fits your system the best.


There is no reliable line monitoring system without a sensory background.

We provide our partners with a weather station and a reliable line monitoring sensor. Our philosophy is to „Know more, achieve more,” which promotes the installation of GridGuard sensors in all the critical power line sections.


A sensor is useless if it requires a power line switch off to install and maintain it.

GridGuard sensors can be installed via live working without any line switch off.


Sensor development is essential in DLR systems.

We are the only company on the market working closely with a high-voltage test facility. Our partner is the High Voltage Laboratory of Budapest University of Technology and Economics.


No matter how technically sound a system is, if it is economically unaffordable - costs must be reduced in the right place.

We are the only company whose sensor you can remove after a year without interrupting the data service at the original location. Buy a sensor and move it anywhere after one year – our AI system will provide continuous data.


Although a device measures precisely, the data must be appropriately stored, and good algorithms must be applied.

We offer our knowledge in handling big data and unique DLR algorithms developed by our experts.


The algorithm's output is useless if the system operator cannot interpret it.

We offer clear and direct outputs from our algorithms. If you have no experience with DLR systems, we organize training and demonstrations at any time of the year.


The algorithm's output is useless if the system operator cannot interpret it.

We offer clear and direct outputs from our algorithms. If you have no experience with DLR systems, we organize training and demonstrations at any time of the year.


In addition to increasing ampacity, DLR systems are also suitable for other purposes.

We offer different subsystems besides line rating, such as real-time sag- clearance monitoring and protection against extreme weather (power line icing). The data collected by GridGuard sensors can also be used as input parameters for Health Monitoring systems.


Any error can happen anytime and anywhere. The point is to detect it adequately, inform the affected parties, and provide ongoing assistance in troubleshooting.

We continuously monitor the solutions we offer 365 days a year. If any extraordinary event may occur on the network, we will notify our customers immediately, and as soon as circumstances allow, we will begin troubleshooting.

If you like our line monitoring philosophy, check out our products and services!

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